Nettitude Choose to Challenge | International Women’s Day 2021

Posted by Nettitude on Mar 8, 2021

By Nettitude

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Today, just 19% of the technology sector is represented by females. While it’s true that the industry still has a long way to go in achieving true gender equality, we are slowly and surely beginning to see change.

Nettitude can attest to this. As an organisation within the technology sector, Nettitude are proud to be one of few organisations within our industry to be led by a female CEO. Under the direction of Karen Bolton our values and vision for the future are bright when it comes to women making an impact, in which each Nettitude colleague is viewed as an important and impactful individual, despite their gender.

This International Women’s Day, Nettitude choose to challenge. We could tell you about all the ways our organisation supports diversity and equality. However, today we are turning our platforms into a stage for our colleagues to express their own views, opinions and experiences.

Over the past week, we’ve caught up with 7 of our colleagues to ask them about their experiences within the technology sector…


Karen Bolton | CEO of Nettitude


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As the CEO of a cybersecurity organisation, I recognise that my role creates a platform by which I can help to forge a gender equal world. I have the opportunity to positively impact not only the inspiring and talented women that I have the pleasure to work with every day at Nettitude, but also to change how Nettitude as an organisation values the roles and contributions of women in creating a more diverse and inclusive culture. In doing so, together Nettitude and I can increase the opportunities for women in an industry heavily dominated by men.

I choose to challenge the way in which we have attracted women to the cybersecurity industry, to create paths for entry and growth, and to raise the profile of our amazing women so that they can be role models and mentors for others who choose to follow their paths. The challenge starts with commitment and is reinforced by changes in the way we approach important activities such as hiring, career development, and role profiling. Together we can create an environment of support and encouragement that becomes a voice for women today and the next generation.  


Ilze Blaauw | Global Head of Marketing


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In my position as Global Marketing Manager of a cybersecurity organisation, I work with a diverse group of proficient and talented women, who shine in a male-dominated industry. I view many of these women as role models – exceptional people whose actions inspire others to achieve great things. Their journeys teach endurance, resilience, compassion and leadership. I pledge to recognise these women’s successes and achievements and take action to advocate for equality.

I choose to challenge how our societies perceive and often judge the value of contributions made by women. In my role at Nettitude I have the opportunity to help create an inclusive and supportive environment in which to let the women I work with know what an impactful job I sincerely believe they’re doing in technology. I will celebrate their progress and provide truthful feedback to support their growth.

Together, as women, let’s judge our accomplishments against our own ideals and celebrate every step that gets us closer to our definition of success.


Olenka Szynwelski | Account Manager


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Sometimes it is easy for hard work and goal achievements to go unnoticed. I will be sure to celebrate my colleagues’ achievements no matter how small. I will bring notice within our organisation and the organisations that we work with to highlight the great work the women on our team do!


Elisa Cassi | Cyber Product and Services Manager


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Working within a male dominated industry, we are determined to challenge stereotypes and inequality. As Product Manager within Nettitude, I have the great pleasure to work as part of a team of inspiring and unbiased male and female colleagues and together we seek out and celebrate women’s achievement. We aim at an inclusive world in which every individual, regardless of their gender, has an active role to play.


Rebecca Cartwright | Content Marketing & Communications Manager


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Working within the tech industry, I am no stranger to working within a traditionally male orientated space. Yet, I am surrounded by talented and inspiring female colleagues who, every day, actively change this perception with the work they do at Nettitude. Not only do they inspire me, many of them have mentored me to get to where I am today.

My pledge to support equality for women is to try to influence the beliefs and actions of others through my own actions. I will try to set a positive example through pursuing a career within the technology sector and openly taking on the challenges that arise.

As Content Marketing Manager at Nettitude, I will support and uplift my female colleagues around me and ensure there are platforms where their great work within Nettitude and the wider cybersecurity space is recognised by the world. I will also choose to challenge old perceptions within the tech sector through the content we produce. 


Beckie Pearson | Customer Engagement Manager


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Cybersecurity is historically a male dominated industry and when discussing my career with those outside of this world, the automatically assume that I work with men in technically skilled and senior leadership positions.

My pledge is to educate those outside of the industry that this is no longer an industry which only attracts men or should you join this industry, that as a woman, you will be in the minority. I will continue to encourage women to get involved in tech roles and apply for jobs within this industry by demonstrating that this is a career option as open to them as it is men.

I am proud to work alongside industry leading, extremely talented and influential women within Nettitude, demonstrated in the highest regard by our female CEO.


Rhianne Purchase | Senior Sales Coordinator


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Going back to my college days, I started my career with an apprenticeship in IT, where I was the only female in the group for 1 year. I was continually asked why I had an interest in the course as it didn’t make sense for me to be there. I then went on to be one of the only few who completed the course and continued my journey in technology world.

Today, while I am no stranger to working within a traditionally male orientated space, I am empowered by all the inspiring female colleagues around me who actively change this perception with the amazing work they do here at Nettitude.


We hope the accounts of our colleagues will inspire future generations to join us within the technology sector, and more specifically, within cybersecurity.

Want to find out more about a career in cybersecurity? Contact our friendly HR team to find out more.


Topics: Cyber Security, Nettitude, Security Blog

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Nettitude is the trusted cybersecurity provider to thousands of businesses around the world. We stop at nothing to keep your data and business secure in an age of ever-evolving cyber threats.

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