LRQA Nettitude Blog

How to Prevent Ransomware & Protect Your Business | Nettitude

Posted by Nettitude on Sep 22, 2022


When a ransomware attack hits, time is of the essence to limit the impact on your organisation's operations. It has been said that prior preparation and planning prevents poor performance, helping with time management and ensuring that tasks are completed most efficiently.

The threat from ransomware continues to develop significantly. Previously, one or two endpoints would be compromised and have ransomware deployed to them. Now, attackers are compromising entire networks and deploying ransomware to every endpoint within the network.

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Topics: ransomware, what is ransomware, how to prevent ransomware, how to avoid ransomware, how to stop ransomware

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Through our connected portfolio of advanced cybersecurity solutions, LRQA Nettitude helps companies to identify and manage the vulnerabilities and threats that pose a risk to their business, building cybersecurity resilience and underpinning your business strategy with proactive measures.

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