LRQA Nettitude Blog

Steps to reduce alert fatigue in your cybersecurity team | Nettitude

Posted by Nettitude on Aug 31, 2022


Effective cybersecurity relies on your team being alerted to potential issues within your systems and networks. However, the sheer number of alerts generated by improperly configured cybersecurity technology and frameworks causes analysts to develop alert fatigue, as countless false positives and minor issues lead to significant disruption and distraction.

With so many potential threats and a limited number of resources, it can be difficult to prioritise which alerts to investigate. As a result, your team may become overwhelmed and start to ignore or dismiss potentially serious threats. In addition, constantly responding to false positives can take valuable time away from other tasks, such as investigating potential incidents. So, what can we do to resolve the challenging problem of alert fatigue?

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Topics: Cyber Security, cybersecurity, Threat Landscape, Alert Fatigue

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Through our connected portfolio of advanced cybersecurity solutions, LRQA Nettitude helps companies to identify and manage the vulnerabilities and threats that pose a risk to their business, building cybersecurity resilience and underpinning your business strategy with proactive measures.

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