Q&A with our Network Solutions Account Manager | Nettitude

Posted by Nettitude on Dec 20, 2019

We are pleased to announce the addition of Mike Hubbard, our new Security and Network Solutions (SNS) Account Manager, within the Security and Network Solutions team. This new team delivers network consultancy, enterprise network solutions and network security solutions. Throughout the forthcoming months, Mike will be working closely with our clients to assess the effectiveness of their current environments and advise on any appropriate action to ensure their business infrastructure and network solutions are as safe and effective as possible. Below is a further insight into how Mike will be working within this new team.

Mike Headshot with sapce


Can you explain what your new role as Network Solutions Account Manager at Nettitude will encompass?

My role within Nettitude is to broaden the conversations we are having with our customers and deliver a wider breadth of security and network solutions. We have excellent relationships with our customers and have seen great success supplying pen testing, cyber consultancy and managed security services, however, we have identified a gap where we could provide even more value to the customer by taking a deep dive into their digital environment.

We started asking ourselves questions, like do we really understand all the challenges our customers’ organisations face, what is driving the changes to their business, and how are they approaching digital transformation? In addition, I would like to find out if our clients have a cloud strategy in place, what concerns the CISO has when he thinks about securing the cloud, what are the CIO’s concerns about moving to mobile working, do they manage their own LAN?

These aren’t the traditional things we would talk to our customers about as we haven’t been in a position to supply guidance or solutions to this broader set of business challenges before. However, when you consider the expertise we hold in Nettitude and the trust we have from our customers, we are the preferred solution to test their networks, identify vulnerabilities or provide the latest customer-specific threat intelligence. Therefore, as our team and our expertise develop, we are becoming the ideal channel to provide vendor-agnostic recommendations based on our intimate knowledge of our customers and research into the cybersecurity market. We need our customers to be aware that they can have these conversations with Nettitude and it’s my job to make this happen and help our customers even more than we do already.


What previous industry experience do you have?

After working for BT over the last 20 years, my experience culminated in the last 10 years of that time working across the public and defence sectors, where I provided managed and enterprise cybersecurity and network solutions. During my time at BT, I worked with many CIOs and CISOs across various organisations, ensuring the services they were procuring would meet not just their security strategy but importantly their business goals and operational context. There’s a lot of choice in the marketplace and customers need trusted partners to help them identify the right fit for their organisation.


Where would you say your expertise lies within the cybersecurity industry?

Keeping abreast of all the leading security products in the marketplace and having a good understanding of where these solutions will help organisations with the challenges of their digital strategy. As well as keeping an eye on emerging tech to ensure our customers and Nettitude stay at the cutting edge of cybersecurity and network solutions. We have to look at the wider context for our customers - the threat landscape is constantly changing and it’s increasingly challenging for a sole CISO and his team to stay on top of all the latest technology developments and changes in tactics by the threat actors.


How will the new Nettitude Security and Network Solutions Team add value to our customers?

Our customers will have a much richer range of security and network solutions available to them when they work with Nettitude. Importantly, we will do the work for them and translate the right solutions from the market to real business outcomes. The cybersecurity market is constantly growing and it’s a really crucial time for businesses to jump on board. With 3,500+ security vendors out there it’s hard for businesses to keep up to date. Let us do the research and trust our advice.


What most interests you about the cybersecurity industry?

The incredible pace at which the industry is moving. This is why I’m so pleased to be working at Nettitude, a very agile company that can respond to changes in the industry so well. Security is never static, attackers will always find new ways and technology will evolve, which means our jobs will always be changing and never boring!


If you had one tip to offer our clients, what would it be?

Ask yourself this question, do you have faith in your security programme or are you just doing the best with what you’ve been given? Think about your time to action if you discover a breach, what is your time to respond, and how long would it take to recover? No one has an unlimited budget; how do you maximise your investment to give you the best response within certain scenarios?


What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I really enjoy photography and have been a wedding/events photographer for several years. I’m also a keen skier and enjoy regular trips to the slopes with my family!



I look forward to getting to know my clients throughout the next few months. In the meantime, if you have any questions, I would be happy to help and can be contacted at mhubbard@nettitude.com.


Topics: Cyber Security, Security Blog, Cyber Security Blog

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Nettitude is the trusted cyber security provider to thousands of businesses around the world. We stop at nothing to keep your data and business secure in an age of ever-evolving cyber threats.

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